Spiritual Ethos in Arena of "Sorrow due to Mortality" : reasons; summary

Mortality ,  most Painful for some:

Those who Love sincerely, deeply and honestly, are Attached to God and one another : Absence brings deepest , unendurable Pain; their every Activity and Intent is genuine, intense and affecting ; they are Source of Love for many; such obviously seek After-death explanations

When a Pure being passes away, the 'spirit soul breath' immediately is in Heavenly realm and breathes there; since 'spirit soul is eternal', it Continues.

Depending upon Strength ( Trueness, love) in a Relationship ( a 'spirit' quality) , it Continues and Endures, irrespective of Mortal differences : thus beings Trust 'God' even though He is physically not viewable , audible , touchable , smellable, tasteable, handleable, holdable ; Relationship with God is Intangible (within) and beyond Mortal, and varies from being to being ;
So also, with all Relationships that are Deep and strongly Bonded interConnected : Relationships, being of "spirit soul", Continue 'beyond Mortality' based upon their Strength ( volition) and in Spirit soul.

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