Spiritual principles are Unchanging self-existent Truth

The Real spirituality is that which is based upon Truth and not personal motives of temporal gain, greed, lust,& ambition, or  retardation and intellectual deficiency.

Spiritual Science needs no Extrinsic verifiable data.

non-spiritual / Physical, BioChem and Quantum Sciences:

Depends upon extrinsic Verifiable data.

It is in Intrinsic nature of Spirit ( Truth is of  an Immortal spirit )  to manifest  , and the Manifested can be measured / perceived/sensed/ observed via non-violent processes/methods.

Objective Reality/ Knowing Truth  is very possible.

The "spirit" as Wind is perceivable/ speed, thickness,  effects& direction are knowable.

God is not an emptiness, nothing or subjective:

Spiritual realities as "  'spirit soul body' in all Sentience, cause Effect phenomenon, pain Pleasure Motives and Mechanisms , and Eternal energy of Truth "  are self-evident, pre-existent, universal,  eternal and objective Truths ; these Truths are manifested in Energy fields, Spiritual quotients, electro magnetic Activities and Bio chem Factors.

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