Companion spirits

It is Predetermined Scientific fact  that a being's 'Spirit soul' , being Energy, can exist only from Within a Physicality ( referred as Alive, existent, not Dead) of certain Physical dimensions and parameters ( except in Highest Heaven realm) ; thus, on passing away, a Pure spirit soul breath Departs from the physical body and Immediately breathes Continually in Heaven ( no cause of Pain ever) realm .

Spirit of God ( Love wholly, Truth) can dwell within a being's 'spirit' by Choice :  Scientifically a 'spirit' being can  ' dwell'  within another's 'spirit' ; being Wise and Whole, the Spirit of God does not fragment or hurt another's 'spirit', but dwells as Companion;
so also. with those other "spirits" of loving True ( basis of Friendship/ relationship) beings  that one had Close Inner bonds with, and have passed away, and there yet is Choice for continued Relationship.
( The departed spirits are sometimes in Heaven also due to inability to continue in physicality- due to past decisions that have affected their Mortality; and based upon Ability endurability quotient, they continue as " loving Companion spirits" within 'spirit' of closely associated, by mutual choice (strength of relationship).

The Scientifically established Theorems of Spiritual essences ( electromagnetic biochem bondings) and that "spirit/ energy" is always Conserved affirm the above Referred herein. 

The "spirit" of a being is as "breath body/ body of same being in Breath constituent ( invisible, but animated)."

When "spirits" unite, they do so on basis of Spiritual Similarity ( love and it's levels) , irrespective of species, gender  age  caste  class  physicality , and there are Threads ( spiritual constituent) like structures that tie them together, and a Similar chemical substance Affects ( emotion felt) them similary; this "spirit":unity is irrespective of distance, mortality, physicality and any externality.

A 'spirit' exists in a very small being as small dog, pup,  child, bird, infant and also in full grown human, adult, large dog , grown peacock etc..Sentience as Pneuma immortal breath spirit; thus it is perceived that the "spirit Constituent" does not take up physical space , nor is a ' physical size' aspect; the "spirit" has all faculties Organs of Wisdom, Understanding. Faith, Love and Eternity that are made of Spiritual threads and essences chemical; depending upon Choice, the "spirit" of a being Bonds ( ties) to another being , ascends and matures, and Spiritual chemicals are released.

The  " spirit/ body made of breath spirit enrrgy" ' is unique to each being, animated ( the Most alive and enlivening : enables Physicality to be existent & enlivened)  and is Immortal.

All sentient beings have God's Immortal essence breath and Actualise it in varied ways and levels.

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